My Principal asked me to start doing these literacy posters for kids as part of our "Great 8" initiative. Essentially it is 8 steps to reading better that in my opinion the kids don't really understand. So like most non art people he thought I could just rip something out in an hour... which I could have but I wouldn't have wanted that hanging in the front office. I decided I'd take up the challenge, think outside of the box. So I included the original sketch in this so you can see my ideas, the Pirate was a last minute add. Well after I did this poster I thought it also worked well as just a regular reading poster... so here it is, hopefully this makes up for all of the times I drew Psylock and Rouge in lesbian scenes. I looked at a lot of Chris Sanders work during this (Lilo and Stitch, How to Train Your Dragon) so I shout out to him. This is also my first attempt at hammering out line art it's a little rough (shuttle) but over all I'm happy with it.
Hello! I'm a teacher librarian at a disadvantaged primary school in Sydney. I was wondering if it would be ok to print and display your literacy posters in my library? Or are they available to buy somewhere?
You can purchase them through my etsy page
With that said, I don't mind if you print them out and display them, they are off the net though so they might not be the best resolution! Feel free!
Hello Adam
Would you mind if I use it at our school too ?
Many thanks, Rachel, School Librarian, Germany
Just read this, go ahead.
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