Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Super hero... almost.

Alright, so I've realized something lately, when you're single... you have a shitload more money.  So while most people spent their stimulus check from Uncle Sam on refrigerators, baby food and bills, I took the time out of my otherwise busy week and jumped out of a plane.  So I headed to Skydive Chicago in Ottawa to do this thing.  The guy strapped to my back is named "Sparky," and let me tell you it doesn't instill confidence in an individual when someone tells you you're going to be jumping out from 13,000 feet with a guy named Sparky strapped to your back.  Despite that I recommend everyone do this at least once in their life, what a rush!  I've debated going again already but law of averages say the more I do this the more a chance I'll die or at least get maimed. 

 In retrospect I've learned a few things; it's cold up there, despite his name Sparky's a good guy, clouds feel like water, and there is no possible way to look cool with a dude strapped to your back.   Thanks for checking my blog, I've been lazy taking pictures of my new paintings to put up here I promise I'll do it soon.  Otherwise just enjoy the pictures of me being stupid.  Live long and prosper peeps.   

Oh, and by the way, still pictures of skydiving make your face look all funky so I recommend just the video.

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